Sensitive Sites addressed by this work group include physical areas where vulnerable people exist (schools, childcare facilities, medical facilities, housing, sheltered accommodation, etc.), and locations in which there is a low tolerance of pests (food processing plants, restaurants, clean manufacturing buildings, aircraft, etc.) or chemical use (areas housing persons with multiple chemical sensitivity, certain food processing areas and clean labs).
Purpose: The Work Group was formed to provide a focal point for interactive communication and collaboration of community IPM stakeholders* and change agents throughout the Western Region. Members include state, territory and tribal representatives, university, industry, advocacy organization, and federal agency groups.
Goal: Work to encourage and enhance successful implementation of IPM in community environments in the NIFA Western Region.
* the term “audiences” and “stakeholders” is used to reference a broad number of groups managing, occupying, using, or investing in a sensitive environment.
Click Here for a Printable Version of the List of Priorities
1. Research the impact pest management practices have on indoor and outdoor home/school/childcare environmental health, e.g., IAQ, well-water, etc.
2. Evaluate building design, construction, renovation, and maintenance criteria with regard to pest opportunities and pest management challenges.
3. Document effective least-risk products, tools, and strategies to manage pests and measure continual IPM improvement.
4. Compile data/information on effects of pesticides and pests on children’s health, (asthma, allergies, absenteeism, grades, ADHA,), academic performance and safety factors, e.g., IPM PRIME for schools.
5. Evaluate outreach methods to determine most effective ways of influencing sensitive environment community audiences, e.g., identification of entry points for implementation of IPM and study of sociological factors affecting adoption of IPM. Conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different types of change agents such as Extension and advocacy group parents have on IPM adoption. Determine motivational factors involved in establishing higher pest management standards. Documentation of client needs as guidance and/or recommendations.
6. Research effectiveness of pesticides/pest treatments, e.g., turf management options (low impact product identification), organic 25b, reduced-risk options, home remedies, stinging insect IPM management, microbial drain cleaners, bed bug IPM and head lice treatment options.
7. Investigate commensal rodents for pathogen carrying capacity.
8. Determine any cross-over benefits of school IPM programs that lead to quality of life improvements for the greater community.
9. Survey county, state and Tribal Health Departments for pesticide resistance management practices and needs.
10. Generate unbiased product efficacy data on key pests of the built environment including commensal rodents, bed bugs, and German cockroaches (monitoring and chemical and non-chemical control).
1. Develop sustainable state and federal funding for statewide IPM programs to deal with “routine”/“non-novel” ongoing needs that are not funded by grants (e.g. annual IPM coordinator training, pest identification, maintenance of low-impact pesticide lists, and updating of educational materials).
2. Identify, educate and activate appropriate school-related organizations to embed IPM into the organizational culture, including ongoing continuing education opportunities for members.
3. Develop IPM decision-making tools, e.g., a decision tree with pest-specific steps and/or a pest solution center to help sensitive environments prioritize needs within budgetary constraints, facility/work order management systems such as School Dude, MUNIS, i-PEST, IPM Calculator.
4. Track adoption of IPM practices in sensitive environments and disseminate economic, environmental and/or health impacts of IPM to stakeholder groups, e.g., schools perform annual self-assessments, case studies, utilize state report cards to help determine training needs and goals.
5. Recognize schools/childcare facilities, organizations and pest management providers for practicing verifiable, high-level IPM and provide incentives, e.g., IPM STAR, recognition, positive publicity, reduced liability and insurance, using clear and comprehensive standards.
6. Coordination with state agencies (e.g., posters for schools, packets for teachers).
7. Identify and piggyback with ongoing environmental health efforts and coordinate with partners in promoting IPM to help facility managers to meet health, high performance and safety, economic, and energy efficiency goals, e.g., Environmental Management System, engage environmental health and safety professionals by creating awareness of the need and effective methodology for success, connect school IPM projects with broader pollution prevention initiatives at school district, state and national level.
8. Promote greater inclusion of IPM in certification standards, e.g., USGBC, Green Seal.
9. Establish environment specific practical vector surveillance and management protocols for stakeholder groups.
1. Educate policy makers about the needs and benefits of IPM in terms of dollars, health, environmental and academic performance, e.g., use case studies describing how sensitive environment IPM programs can be initiated and sustained.
2. Create best management practice for schools/childcare facilities to use with vendors of pest management services, design and construction services, custodial services, food and drink product service providers, etc.
3. Promote education on how to read a pesticide label, and the importance of understanding the directions before use.
4. Create Spanish language materials.
5. Provide information on the connection of IPM and improved health and safety to audiences.
6. Develop and utilize educational methods to provide education and practicum training for stakeholder groups.
7. On-site assessment of and training on pesticide storage and disposal practices.
8. Education and training of Environmental Health Specialists (i.e. health inspectors) that inspect schools, restaurants, etc.
9. Educate audiences on commensal rodents and rodenticide laws.
10. Educate on food-safety issues relevant to food preparation and service.
11. Develop infographics for increased public understanding of foundational IPM topics.
12. Educate audiences on vector management and vector-borne diseases.
1. Work to incorporate IPM strategies into building codes.
2. Identify and promote interagency cooperation among regulatory, environmental, health, insurance, education, State and Federal, Cooperative Extension and other agencies.
3. Establish IPM policies in school systems to institutionalize the commitment to IPM, e.g., establish and share Parent /Teacher Association (PTA) school IPM models/restrictions; incorporate IPM into school wellness legislation; state school board adoption of IPM policy.
4. Create and mandate minimum standards for school IPM at federal level, e.g., established through high level IPM training/licensing for pest management professionals.
5. Implement and enforce existing IPM laws and policies (regarding verifiable standards) at the highest level of economic and regulatory accountability.
6. Identify opportunities for improving regulations and regulatory and legislative processes to improve IPM adoption, e.g., US Senate and House committees that work on school legislation at the federal level.
7. Develop organizations and strategies for influencing change that will result in state Department of Education, Health and Safety regulations and policies that call for IPM, e.g., seek state legislator champion to present successful legislation at NCSL annual conference.
8. Establish or use existing diverse local stakeholder committees to advocate for policies and procedures that implement proven IPM strategies and practices, e.g., develop and disseminate a protocol for grassroots implementation to increase effectiveness of local advocates, partner with National Pest Management Association, Beyond.
9. Establish minimum students’ rights for environmental health standards in schools and include students and teachers in OSHA-like protections.
10. Fund consultant services for IPM compliance assistance to provide schools with access to experts who can identify opportunities for improvements.