Proposed EPA Labels Changes Could Impact Desert Crops 2015
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed additional mandatory pesticide label restrictions that would prohibit the application of acutely toxic pesticides during the time crops are in bloom and commercial bees have been placed in or near fields for pollination services. If these proposed label changes are implemented they could have important implications for managing key pests on desert crops which require the use of contracted bees for pollination. Specifically, the proposed labelling reads as follows: “Foliar application of this product is prohibited from onset of flowering until flowering is complete when bees are on-site under contract”. This label would apply to pesticides that have an acute contact toxicity value less than 11 micrograms per bee (LD50<11 μg/bee). Unfortunately for desert producers, the list of acutely toxic insecticides includes all of the pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate and neonicotinoid insecticide active ingredients currently used for control of major pests. Also included in this list are Exirel, Radiant, Success, Sequoia, Abamectin, Proclaim, Avaunt and Torac. Even insecticides approved for organic production are not exempt, as azadirachtin (e.g., Aza-Direct), pyethrins (e.g., Pyganic), spinosad (Entrust) and rotenone are also on the restricted list. The full description of the proposed label changes, including the list of acutely toxic pesticides (Appendix A) affected and proposed label language (Appendix B), can be found here: EPA’s Proposal to Mitigate Exposure to Bees from Acutely Toxic Pesticide Products In my view, fall melons would be most directly affected by this proposed label change. Economic production of fall melons requires pollination services, but of course also requires adult whitefly control during the bloom/pollination period to suppress the spread of virus (CYSDV). Based on EPAs proposed label restrictions, application of industry standards like Assail, bifenthrin, fenpropathrin, and Exirel would not be allowed anytime, day or night, on fall melons as long as commercial bee hives are present. This could make whitefly/CYSDV control during bloom very difficult. UA research has clearly shown that the remaining alternatives labeled for whitefly control not on EPAs proposed list (i.e., Knack, Vetica, Oberon, Coragen, Fulfill, Beleaf) have little effect on preventing virus infection. Under this scenario, spread of CYSDV in some fields could essentially go unchecked for several weeks. If you are interested in voicing your opinion on this new proposal, EPA is currently accepting public comments until July 29, 2015. For more information on how to submit comments go to: and!docketDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0818.
Widely accepted definition of a living organism “A living organism has a cellular structure and is manifest by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to the environment through changes that originate internally”. Viruses are not cellular and do not metabolise, but they reproduce and adapt.
A virus is a set of one or more nucleic acid template molecules, normally incased in a protective coats of protein or lipoprotein and is able to organize its own replication but only within a suitable host cells. Record of plant viruses do not go as far as human viruses, but plant viruses have caused considerable loss in agriculture system.
One of the most common virus we see in agriculture system in todays world is Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV). CMV belongs to family Bromoviridae. The genome size of cucumber mosaic virus (see pic) is about 8000 to 9000 nucletotide bases (1 base=1 letter of AGTC). The genome size of Covid19 Coronivirus is about 30,000 bases and the genome size of human DNA is 6.4 billion bases.
CMV has a very wide host range and is transmitted by aphids in nonpersistent manner (stylet borne). This means that the aphids acquire the virus particle in their stylet within seconds of feeding in infected plants, hop on to next plant and start feeding on next plant. The virus is transmitted to the next plant immediately.
Next is incubation period. Viruses cause systemic infection. It can take anywhere from few days to few weeks from initial entry of the virus to symptom exhibition in your plants. The severity of symptoms varies depending on many factors. The age of plant (infection stage), the general plant vigor (health), varietal susceptibility, conducive environment (viruses express better in colder weather than hot weather), a plant that has already been infected with other viruses (preesisting condition) are to name a few.
Attachment – the virus attaches itself to the outside of a new plant cell
Penetration – the protein pushes the nucleic acid strand into the plant cell
Replication – the viruses’ nucleic acid uses the plant cell DNA to make many new nucleic acid strands and protein sheathes
Assembly – the nucleic acid and protein assembly into millions of new virus copies
Release – the viruses leave the cell – at this stage the cell is normally dead and bursts releasing the viruses
Transmission – the viruses move using a vector to new cells to infect.
When you see the symptoms in your plants, the first thing you have to understand is virus infection is systemic. The best you can do to manage the virus is to limit the transmission (flatten the curve). Some viruses need a vector for transmission like insects and nematodes. Some viruses are mechanically transmitted from one infected plant to another. Washing field tools between plants/field whenever possible limits the transmission of virus. Soap, bleach, and disinfectants reduce transmission by protein denaturalization of the virus.
Controlling Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce Using Steam Heat – Trial Initiated
Earlier this week, we initiated a trial examining the use of band steam for controlling Fusarium wilt of lettuce. The premise behind this research is to use steam heat to raise soil temperatures to levels sufficient to kill soilborne pathogens. For Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, the pathogen which causes Fusarium wilt of lettuce, the required temperature for control is generally taken to be > 140°F for 20 minutes. Soil solarization, where clear plastic is placed over the crop bed during the summer, exploits this concept. The technique raises soil surface temperatures to 150-155˚F, effectively killing the pathogen and reducing disease incidence by 45-98% (Matheron and Porchas, 2010).
In our trials, we are using steam heat to raise soil temperatures. Steam is delivered by a 35 BHP steam generator mounted on a custom designed elongated bed shaper (Fig. 1). Preliminary results were encouraging. The device was able to increase the temperature of the top 3” of soil to over 180°F at a travel speed of 0.5 mph as shown in this video of the machine in action (shown below). These temperatures exceed that of those known to control pathogens responsible for causing Fusarium wilt of lettuce (> 140°F for 20 minutes).
Stay tuned for final trial results and reports on the efficacy of using steam heat to control Fusarium wilt of lettuce.
If you are interested in evaluating the technique on your farm, please contact me. We are seeking additional sites with a known history of Fusarium wilt of lettuce disease incidence to test the efficacy and performance of the device.
Matheron, M. E., & Porchas, M. 2010. Evaluation of soil solarization and flooding as management tools for Fusarium wilt of lettuce. Plant Dis. 94:1323-1328.
This project is sponsored by USDA-NIFA, the Arizona Specialty Crop Block Grant Program and the Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council. We greatly appreciate their support.
A special thank you is extended to Cory Mellon and Mellon Farms for allowing us to conduct this research on their farm.
Managing Water with Preemergence Herbicides in Lettuce
We are always adjusting how we use herbicides to fit the unique conditions in this area. The herbicides that are registered for use on lettuce here are limited and they all require a little different management. Environmental conditions, soil characteristics and Chemical properties all can greatly affect how well the 3 preemergence herbicides used in lettuce will work. These include Balan, Prefar and Kerb. Environmental conditions and soil characteristic vary greatly from year to year and field to field. It is difficult to make general recommendations on how best to use these three herbicides because of this. Chemical characteristics do not vary, however, and we can make some generalizations on how they should be used.
We use a lot of water here during stand establishment and at this time of year. The water solubility of Balan, Prefar and Kerb vary widely and should be considered when deciding how to use them. Water solubility is the amount of the herbicide that will dissolve in water. This is usually given as PPM or mg/liter. The higher the number the more soluble it is. Solubility will effect leaching into the soil and runoff. The solubility of Balan is 0.1 PPM,Prefar is 5.6 PPM and Kerb is 15 PPM. What this means is that Balan is very insoluble and has to be mechanically incorporated. Prefar is 56 times more soluble than Balan and can be incorporated with overhead water but this is still not a very soluble herbicide and a lot of water is needed. Kerb is 150 times more soluble than Balan and almost 3 times more soluble than Prefar. Kerb will leach and the amount of overhead water applied must be carefully managed.