Oct 15, 2014Leafminer Management on Fall Lettuce 2014With the weather staying relatively warm so far this fall, insect pressure remains steady. This is indicated in part by our counts taken from in our trap network. Worms remain heavy in most areas, but whitefly flights are beginning to subside except in those areas out east near fall melons. However, as temperatures begin to cool down in the next few weeks, it is important that you not forget about Liriomyza leafminers, particularly as the first produce fields approach harvest. Leafminer numbers have been moderate thus far this season, but we have recently observed higher numbers (adults and larvae) showing up on the older leaves of lettuce here at the Yuma Ag Center. In addition, an increase in adult flies has been observed on yellow sticky traps used for monitoring whiteflies over the past week or so. In most cases, these traps have been located near or adjacent to fall melons, cotton or alfalfa. The 10-day forecast calls for temperatures to be in the 90s for the next week, and leafminer adults should continue to be active. Larval activity could easily cause damage if left uncontrolled in lettuce or baby leaf fields where they are currently present. These larvae can cause significant damage to older, pre-harvest lettuce by feeding and damaging wrapper leaves of head lettuce and romaine. Pupae collecting within the leaf margins can also be considered contaminants. In addition, baby leaf lettuces, spring mixes and spinach are susceptible to larval feeding (mining) on the tender growing leaves. These populations can be effectively controlled with currently available products. Products that are presently being used to control armyworms, loopers and thrips such as, Radiant (5-7 oz/ac), Coragen (5-7 oz/ac), Voliam Xpress (9 oz/ac), and Exirel (15-20 oz/ac) can effectively kill newly emerged larvae in the leaf mines before they cause significant damage. Be sure to include a penetrating adjuvant with these products to enhance translaminar movement of the product and larval control. For more information on leafminer biology and management please go to: Leafminer Management.To contact John Palumbo go to: jpalumbo@ag.Arizona.edu