Summer is finally over. Brassica transplants are in the ground, and direct-seeded broccoli and lettuce plantings are now beginning. In the past week, I’ve observed or received reports from PCAs of key insect pests beginning to show up (or not) on melon and early produce crops in the desert.
Seedling pests: Flea beetles (FB) are beginning to show up in transplanted crops like they always do, but pressure has been light so far. We haven’t seen much in our experimental plots at YAC either. Remember, FB adults lay eggs in the soil of their favored local host plants (i.e., alfalfa, cotton, purslane, pigweed and nightshade) where larvae feed on the roots to later emerge as adults. So, keep in mind, the source of that FB infestations hitting your new stands may not just be freshly cut hay, defoliated cotton, or disked weeds. In some areas (Yuma Valley), crickets seem to be very abundant. Crickets like moisture and are often found under sprinkler pipes but can also be found in cracks in soils around fields or in drainage areas.
Bagrada bug: We’ve already had reports of bagrada bug adults on two transplanted cauliflower fields in Dome Valley. Not sure whether they arrived with the transplants or are moving from surrounding crops. However, it’s still early and they might surprise you as the season progresses. Look for those fresh feeding signs on cotyledons and young leaves. Experience suggests that they are most abundant after the humidity breaks.
Lepidopterous Larvae (worms): Worm pressure seems to be below normal. Trap catches so far show that Cabbage looper moths are almost non-existent, and no reports on melons to date. They should pick-up as we approach October. No reports of Beet armyworm larvae on the earliest transplants yet, and areawide pheromone traps suggest that moth activity is below normal. But they will show up sooner or later, so get ready. You have numerous insecticide alternatives at your disposal to control them. Have had a couple of reports of Diamondback moth larvae on newly transplanted brassica crops. However, we’ve yet to capture moths on pheromone traps which suggests that adult immigration on high altitude winds associated with storms has not occurred. Remember, DBM disappear each summer and reestablish on desert crops via transplants or migrate in on monsoon/tropical storms. I strongly stress that you check your Cole crops closely this fall, particularly following storms or on plants originating from coastal CA.
Whiteflies: Area wide sticky trap captures have been about normal for early September, but whiteflies can migrate long distances on high winds. Adult numbers increased on my melon plants last week and remain high. Reports in area melons range from light to moderate numbers so far, but there is still a lot of cotton out there yet to be picked. The good news is there are several insecticide alternatives to control them in produce.
2023-2024 Powdery Mildew of Lettuce Fungicide Trial
This study was conducted at the Yuma Valley Agricultural Center. The soil was a silty clay loam (7-56-37 sand-silt-clay, pH 7.2, O.M. 0.7%). Lettuce was seeded, then sprinkler-irrigated to germinate seed on Nov 28, 2023 on double rows 12 in. apart on beds with 42 in. between bed centers. All other water was supplied by furrow irrigation or rainfall. Treatments were replicated five times in a randomized complete block design. Each replicate plot consisted of 25 ft of bed, which contained two 25 ft rows of lettuce. Plants were thinned Jan 17, 2024 at the 3-4 leaf stage to a 12-inch spacing. Treatment beds were separated by single nontreated beds. Treatments were applied with a tractor-mounted boom sprayer that delivered 50 gal/acre at 100 psi to flat-fan nozzles spaced 12 in apart.
Max Temp (°F)
Min Temp (°F)
Average Temp (°F)
0.08 in
0.82 in
1.14 in
0.50 in
Powdery mildew (caused by Golovinomyces cichoracearum) efficacy trial treatments were made on February 15,2024, February 23, 2024, March 4, 2024, and March 12, 2024and .Disease was first seen on February 26,2024. Disease rating was done on March 15, 2024. Disease severity was determined by rating 10 plants within each of the four replicate plots per treatment using the following rating system: 0 = no powdery mildew present; 0.5 = one to a few very small powdery mildew colonies on bottom leaves; 1 = powdery mildew present on bottom leaves of plant; 2 = powdery mildew present on bottom leaves and lower wrapper leaves; 3 = powdery mildew present on bottom leaves and all wrapper leaves; 4 = powdery mildew present on bottom leaves, wrapper leaves, and cap leaf; 5 = powdery mildew present on entire plant. These ratings were transformed to percentage of leaves infected values before being statistically analyzed. Yield loss due to rejected lettuce heads would likely begin to occur on plants with a powdery mildew rating above 2.0 (percentage of leaves infected value of 40).
The data in the table illustrate the degree of disease control obtained by application of the various treatments in this trial. Most treatments significantly reduced the final severity of powdery mildew compared to nontreated plants. The most effective fungicides were Rhyme, Merivon, Quintec, Cevya, Luna Sensation, Luna Experience, and Elisys.
Controlling Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce Using Steam Heat – Trial Initiated
Earlier this week, we initiated a trial examining the use of band steam for controlling Fusarium wilt of lettuce. The premise behind this research is to use steam heat to raise soil temperatures to levels sufficient to kill soilborne pathogens. For Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, the pathogen which causes Fusarium wilt of lettuce, the required temperature for control is generally taken to be > 140°F for 20 minutes. Soil solarization, where clear plastic is placed over the crop bed during the summer, exploits this concept. The technique raises soil surface temperatures to 150-155˚F, effectively killing the pathogen and reducing disease incidence by 45-98% (Matheron and Porchas, 2010).
In our trials, we are using steam heat to raise soil temperatures. Steam is delivered by a 35 BHP steam generator mounted on a custom designed elongated bed shaper (Fig. 1). Preliminary results were encouraging. The device was able to increase the temperature of the top 3” of soil to over 180°F at a travel speed of 0.5 mph as shown in this video of the machine in action (shown below). These temperatures exceed that of those known to control pathogens responsible for causing Fusarium wilt of lettuce (> 140°F for 20 minutes).
Stay tuned for final trial results and reports on the efficacy of using steam heat to control Fusarium wilt of lettuce.
If you are interested in evaluating the technique on your farm, please contact me. We are seeking additional sites with a known history of Fusarium wilt of lettuce disease incidence to test the efficacy and performance of the device.
Matheron, M. E., & Porchas, M. 2010. Evaluation of soil solarization and flooding as management tools for Fusarium wilt of lettuce. Plant Dis. 94:1323-1328.
This project is sponsored by USDA-NIFA, the Arizona Specialty Crop Block Grant Program and the Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council. We greatly appreciate their support.
A special thank you is extended to Cory Mellon and Mellon Farms for allowing us to conduct this research on their farm.
Heavy and widespread infestations of common purslane come up during ground preparation for lettuce every year. This occurs in fields that were kept weed free the previous year and is difficult to understand.
There are probably several reasons for this.
Seed Production
Common Purslane is very prolific. It has been reported that one plant can produce up to 240,000 seeds. The stems are so succulent that plants can remain viable and make seed even after it is uprooted.
Seed Longevity
Once seed is mature it can be viable for as long as 40 years. It has very small, hard seed that can remain dormant in the soil for ss long as 40 years .So you may have to control weeds that got into the field a generation ago..
Multiple perennial germinations
Common Purslane is supposed to be a summer annual, but it germinates multiple times all year in the low desert. It takes 12 hours after receiving moisture in the summer and 7 days in the winter, but it keeps germinating. It has to be controlled when it is less than 2” in diameter. If you wait until most of it germinates the early plants will be too big. If you spray or cultivate when all the emerged plants are small you will miss many that have yet to emerge. It is best to treat early and control the later emerging plants with a selective herbicide.
When common purslane is broken in pieces it can reroot at the nodes. Late cultivation often spreads this weed. Cultivation is not a good option when purslane is larger than 2”. Herbicides are a better option on big plants.
Seed dispersal
Purslane has a very small light seed. It moves in irrigation water and blows in the wind. Even completely clean fields are likely is be reinfested by seeds that are carried by water and wind into the field.
Best option
Considering the above factors, the best option for controlling common purslane may be preirrigation to germinate the weeds and early herbicide application or cultivation . Kerb and Prefar are both good on purslane. Prefar should be used at planting to incorporate it with a lot of water and Kerb should be used later to avoid leaching but don’t wait too long and risk germination of the weeds. Purslane germinates from shallow depths and split applications of Kerb may be a good option.